BOE Salute Recognition Program

Dear Itasca Community,

The Itasca Schools and the community that surrounds them have a great deal to be thankful for. The success of our schools is due to the hard work of its staff, parents, and community members. To honor them and to say thank you for all that they do to support our schools, we are implementing an Itasca Board of Education Salute Recognition Program. The purpose of this program is to honor those individuals that continue to make our Itasca 10 School District successful and go “above and beyond” in their service to our students and community.

Individuals recognized with a Board Salute will be honored with a certificate of recognition that will be formally presented at one of our regularly scheduled School Board of Education meetings. A small token of gratitude will also be presented to the recipient on behalf of the Itasca School Board. The following are guidelines established for our program:

  • Any employee, parent volunteer, community volunteer and supporter of Itasca 10 that has gone above and beyond in their service to the students of Itasca 10 is eligible

  • Individuals are nominated through a Board Salute Program Nomination Form.

  • The superintendent will bring all nominations to the recognition committee which includes the superintendent and principals. Award recipients will be selected by this committee and brought before the Board at a Board of Education meeting for their formal recognition.

  • Board Salutes will be awarded quarterly or at the direction of the Board of Education

To nominate an individual for a Board Salute, Please fill out the form below.